Why I Blog

The other day someone asked why I write on here if I get less than 5,000 views a month. After I was taken aback by someone asking me that and assuming information about my analytics (they weren’t wrong hahah), I told them I don’t do this for any reason other than I love writing and flexing creative muscles. I find joy in sitting here and sharing what I find interesting or fun in hopes that some of you find those same things interesting or fun.

I took this at Create and Cultivate’s NYC Conference in 2017 and it still rings true.

I took this at Create and Cultivate’s NYC Conference in 2017 and it still rings true.

I would like to think I will have built a community here one day. A place for women to feel safe and heard and are treated kindly. I have big plans and goals that I want to accomplish but all things take time. I am still trying to build trust and a genuine readership that knows they can count on me for honesty and friendship. I also want people to come here and feel inspired to chase their own dreams. I truly believe in collaboration over competition.

So no, this won’t be my longest post but I feel that it is a necessary one. Hopefully, one day, I won’t have to explain myself to others but for now, it was apparently something people wondered. Let’s try to be less judgmental in 2019 and let people chase their dreams, accomplish their goals, and do what they love without asking why.