
Post the Picture, Wear the Sweatshirt

I never would have thought that the picture I posted the other day on Instagram would garner so many comments and messages. There was no intention behind it other than I I want to be completely myself so that everyone here will feel safe to be completely themselves too. I wanted to share it here as well (in case Instagram ups and disappears one day because I think it is an important message).

I was wicked hesitant to post this photo for all the wrong reasons. I always had in my head that if I bought a sweatshirt or shirt with a food quote or icon on it that people would see it and be like, β€œYeah obviously, she loves that. Look at her.” I have battled with myself for years over what my weight is and how I think of myself. I am constantly over analyzing my reflection in the mirror and today I decided to say screw it. Not that I know those thoughts will suddenly stop but I wanted to post this picture. I think it’s fun and I love this sweatshirt.

We all know I’m obsessed with cheese fries but that doesn’t mean I eat them all the time or that I don’t eat healthy. I can post a picture of some cheesy goodness that I shared with a girlfriend while wearing an adorable sweatshirt and if people want to judge, so be it. I was the one with the fries and they weren’t.