Holy Cow, I'm a Homeowner.

Holy cow, I’m a homeowner! What?! Just when I got into a blogging groove, we went and bought a house. Casual, right? T and I closed on our first home on October 22nd and moved in on the 27th (again with the number 7, guys!). We are still getting settled and figuring out how to do this whole homeowner thing but fake it ‘til you make it, right?

I thought it would be fun to take you all on this crazy journey with us. If you know me at all, moving is not my strong suit. I panic, freeze, sit and stare, and don’t pack a damn thing. It is horrible but if you saw my story time on Instagram about it, I have a funny story to tell you all. It doesn’t have to do with this move but moving in general.

My sophomore year in college I had a single hour left to move out of my dorm and didn’t have a single thing packed. My sheets were still on my bed and my electronics still plugged in. I was in the midst of trying to break off a relationship and I called my besties. Kate and April arrived and had zero clue what to say. They were shocked but took on the task and packed my entire dorm for me. Talk about good friends. I am so thankful that they were there for me then and that T was there for me this time around because not much has changed. Hahaha I am working on it though!

For funsies, here are a few pictures of our home as it appeared online and for staging. Our furniture is obviously going to be different and I honestly am not sure who took these photos but I am assuming credit goes to the realtor?